This is Fig. 1 from the 2002 stagsunit paper. Shown here is a STAGS finite element sub-domain model generated with the PANDA2 processor called STAGSUNIT.
A "sub-domain" model is a model in which only part of a shell is included in the STAGS model. The boundary conditions applied along the edges of the sub-domain are such that pre-buckling conditions in the sub-domain are the same as they would be if the sub-domain were embedded in the complete shell.
This slide shows the STARTING DESIGN of an internally T-ring and externally T-stringer stiffened cylindrical shell. The shell is to be optimized as subjected to two load sets of combined axial compression Nx and in-plane shear Nxy.
See the next slide for the STAGS sub-domain model of the OPTIMIZED design.
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