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Certain folded geometries made from originally flat sheet can be inextensionally deformed into globally curved "shells"

From the same Ph.D. dissertation as the previous image.

Figure 2.4: The versatility of folded cores is illustrated by the ability to design globally curved geometries, whilst folding from flat sheet material with minimal material deformation. Images by Klett et al. (2007) and Akishev et al. (2010).

Klett, Y., Drechsler, K., Kolax, M., Wentzel, H. & Kehrle, R. (2007). Design of multifunctional folded core structures for aerospace sandwich applica- tions. In Proceedings of 1st CEAS European air and space conference, 903–908, Berlin.

Akishev, N.I., Alekseev, K.A., Zakirov, I.M. & Nikitin, A.V. (2010). Panel of curvilinear shape and method of its manufacturing. Russian Patent RU2381955.

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