This is Fig. 6 from the 2005 PANDA2 paper. Shown here is the linear bifurcation buckling mode for the perfect shell (Case name = testax4p, "p" for "perfect").
This is the STAGS prediction of Inter-ring buckling from a STAGS 360-degree model of a stiffened and sub-stiffened cylindrical shell under combined axial compression, external pressure, and in-plane shear (Values of the loading components are given in the caption of the previous slide.)
The perfect shell was previously optimized by PANDA2 as perfect.
Substiffeners are smeared, major stiffeners are shell units, the STAGS 480 finite element is used.
Shown here is bifurcation buckling mode number 1, buckling load factor, Pcr = 1.0222.
Compare with the previous slide. This is inter-ring buckling.
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