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Types of buckling of liquid-filled tanks during an earthquake

Akira Maekawa (Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc., Japan),

“Recent advances in seismic response analysis of cylindrical liquid storage tanks”, Chapter 12 in Earthquake-Resistant Structures – Design, Assessment and Rehabilitation”, 2012, DOI: 10.5772/28735 · Source: InTech

PARTIAL INTRODUCTION: . . . Buckling is a dangerous mode for tanks which drastically lowers their structural strength (proof force) and collapses their geometries. In the ultimate buckled state and post-buckling, the cylindrical liquid storage tanks are deformed largely and display nonlinear inelastic behavior. Therefore, it is desirable to take into account the nonlinear inelastic dynamic behavior when evaluating seismic safety of the tanks. The conventional seismic design of tanks (Kanagawa Prefecture, 2002; KHK, 2003; JEA, 2008; AIJ, 2010) uses evaluation equations for static buckling derived from static buckling tests and the assumption of a linear response. However, the evaluation equations have not been validated sufficiently from the viewpoint of the dynamic liquid pressure effect in tanks subjected to seismic motions. Though a few dynamic experiments and development of numerical methods for buckling of cylindrical liquid storage tanks were done in the past, the developed numerical methods could simulate the experimental results only qualitatively (Fujita et al., 1992; Toyoda et al., 1997). As described above, the conventional seismic design assumes linear behavior of the tanks and does not include nonlinear behavior in post-buckling. However, it is necessary to develop accurate seismic response analysis methods for the cylindrical liquid storage tanks to ensure seismic safety and conduct accurate seismic PSA for mega earthquakes. Therefore, an accurate dynamic analysis method to evaluate dynamic nonlinear behavior of the cylindrical liquid storage tanks subjected to seismic motions was proposed and validated by the dynamic experiment in this chapter. The research was done for the liquid storage tanks installed in nuclear power plants such as refueling water tanks and condensate water tanks. In this chapter, previous studies are overviewed and then sequential research findings on the dynamic analysis method are summarized. First, the seismic damage modes of the cylindrical liquid storage tanks are explained briefly. Especially buckling modes caused by earthquakes are introduced. Secondly, the vibration behavior of the tanks is explained. Thirdly, previous studies are overviewed with regard to vibration characteristics and seismic evaluations. Special focus is given to the seismic response analysis and dynamic buckling evaluation. Fourthly, research studies concerned with oval-type vibration are summarized. Finally, the author’s study regarding dynamic nonlinear analysis method for seismic response of the cylindrical liquid storage tanks is described and the method is shown to be suitable for actual tanks based on comparison with experimental results.

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