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Mahnaz Shamshirsaz (1), Shahin Sharafi (1), Javad Rahmatian (1,2), Sajad Rahmatian (1,3) and Naserodin Sepehry (1,4)
(1) New Technologies Research Center, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, 15875-4413, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
(2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Razi University of Kermanshah, Tagh Bostan, 67144-15111, Kermanshah, Islamic Republic of Iran
(3) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, 16th Azar St., Enghelab Sq, 1417466191, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
(4) Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, 3619995161, Islamic Republic of Iran
“A semi-analytical mesh-free method for 3D free vibration analysis of bi- directional FGP circular structures subjected to temperature variation”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp 407-426, February 25, 2020, https://doi.org/10.12989/sem.2020.73.4.407
ABSTRACT: In this present paper, a semi-analytical mesh-free method is employed for the three-dimensional free vibration analysis of a bi-directional functionally graded piezoelectric circular structure. The dependent variables have been expanded by Fourier series with respect to the circumferential direction and have been discretized through radial and axial directions based on the mesh-free shape function. The current approach has a distinct advantage. The nonlinear Green-Lagrange strain is employed as the relationship between strain and displacement fields to observe thermal impacts in stiffness matrices. Nevertheless, high order terms have been neglected at the final steps of equations driving. The material properties are assumed to vary continuously in both radial and axial directions simultaneously in accordance with a power law distribution. The convergence and validation studies are conducted by comparing our proposed solution with available published results to investigate the accuracy and efficiency of our approach. After the validation study, a parametric study is undertaken to investigate the temperature effects, different types of polarization, mechanical and electric boundary conditions and geometry parameters of structures on the natural frequencies of functionally graded piezoelectric circular structures.
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