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Axially compressed laminated composite cylindrical shells with Variable Angle Tow (VAT)

Fig. 1. Filament-wound cylinder designs.
Fig. 1b: VAT-4: variable stiffness with four frames and constant thickness, design variables Theta1(V4) and Theta2(V4)
Fig. 1c: VAT-8: variable stiffness with eight frames and constant thickness, design variables Theta1(V8), Theta2(Vb), Theta3(Vb) and Theta4(V8)
Fig. 1d: VAT-L-CT: variable stiffness with linear variation of the winding angle and constant thickness, design variables Theta1(VL) and Theta2(VL)
Fig. 1e: VAT-L-VT: same as VAT-L-CT with variable thickness
Fig. 1f: VAT-P-CT: variable stiffness with second-order variation of the winding angle and constant thickness, design variables Theta1(VP), Theta2(VP) and Theta3(VP)
Fig. 1g: VAT-L-VT: same as VAT-P-CT with variable thickness

“CT” = “Constant Thickness”
“VT” = “Variable Thickness”

This and the next image are from:
Zhihua Wang (1,2), José Humberto S. Almeida Jr. (3), Luc St-Pierre (3), Zhonglai Wang (2) and Saullo G.P. Castro (1)
(1) Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
(2) School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
(3) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

“Reliability-based buckling optimization with an accelerated Kriging metamodel for filament-wound variable angle tow composite cylinders”, Composite Structures, Vol. 254 Article 112821, 15 December 2020,

ABSTRACT: A reliability-based optimization framework is introduced and used to design filament-wound cylindrical shells with variable angle tow. Seven design cases are investigated to enable a comparison between constant-stiffness and variable angle tow designs, also considering effects of thickness variation created due to overlapping tow paths, determined using the kinematics of the filament winding manufacturing process. The uncertainty in the winding angle is considered in the optimization by means of metamodels constructed using the Kriging method. Moving search windows are incorporated into the Kriging metamodel to accelerate its convergence by reducing the number of training iterations. The results prove the efficacy of the proposed framework and clearly demonstrate the advantage of variable-stiffness designs over conventional ones for achieving a maximum load carrying capacity, while keeping the robustness of the design towards manufacturing uncertainties.

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