Buckling modes of the shell shown in the previous slide |
Vibration modes for the shell shown two slides back |
Axisymmetric cryogenic cooler to be analyzed by BOSOR4/BIGBOSOR4 |
Segmented model of the shell of revolution that represents the cryogenic cooler to be analyzed by BOSOR4/BIGBOSOR4 |
First 4 vibration modes of the cryogenic cooler shown in the previous two slides |
Double-walled spherical balloon with 15 modules of truss-like (slanted) webs over 90 degrees of meridian |
Ring-stiffened cylindrical shell with a "wavy" wall, optimized by GENOPT with BIGBOSOR4 as the structural analyzer |
Buckling of a spherical shell with an inward-directed point load |
Nonlinear load-deflection curve and bifurcation buckling points for a spherical shell with an inward-directed point load |
Axisymmetric thickness distribution in a deep-submergence tank |