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Ring-stiffened cylindrical shell with a "wavy" wall, optimized by GENOPT with BIGBOSOR4 as the structural analyzer

This is the cover figure from the 2000 GENOPT paper, "Automated optimum design of shells of revolution with application to ring-stiffened cylindrical shells with wavy walls", by David Bushnell, presented at the AIAA 41st Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA Paper 2000-1663, 2000.

The starting design (top) has rather big waves and big rings, and the optimized design has much smaller waves and much smaller rings.

The optimization is accomplished via a combination of GENOPT and BIGBOSOR4. (See the GENOPT slide show.)

This is the study during which BIGBOSOR4 was developed from the original BOSOR4 code. In order to solve this optimization problem it was necessary greatly to increase the number of shell segments that could be accommodated by BOSOR4. BIGBOSOR4 now permits up to 295 shell segments. Input data files developed for BOSOR4 will work with BIGBOSOR4.

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