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Isaac Elishakoff, Demetris Pentaras and Cristina Gentilini, Mechanics of Functionally Graded Material Structures, World Scientific, 2015

Isaac Elishakoff, Demetris Pentaras and Cristina Gentilini, Mechanics of Functionally Graded Material Structures, World Scientific, 2015

The aim of this book is to provide an account of the structures that are made of functionally graded materials with purpose of customizing the structures with desired purpose. The latter may consist in attaining the pre-selected vibrational frequency or buckling load. The grading is conducted in either thickness, axial or radial directions. Some novel closed form solutions are obtained for the first time in literature.

Contents: Three-Dimensional Analysis of Rectangular Plates Made of Functionally Graded Materials: Elastic Plates; Brief Introduction to Functionally Graded Materials; Dynamics Analysis of Plates Made of Functionally Graded Materials; Static Analysis of Plates Made of Functionally Graded Materials; Vibration Tailoring of Inhomogenous Beams and Circular Plates: Introduction; Vibration Tailoring of Inhomegenous Elastically Restrained Vibrating Beams; Some Intriquing Results Pertaining to Functionally Graded Columns; Design of Heterogeneous Polar Orthotropic Clamped Circular Plates with Specified Fundamental Natural Frequency; Vibration Tailoring of Simply-Supported Polar Orthotropic Inhomogenous Circular Plates; Vibration Tailoring of Clamped-Clamped Polar Orthotropic Inhomogenous Circular Plates; Vibration Tailoring of a Polar Orthotropic Circular Plate with Translational Spring; Conclusion.

Readership: Graduate students, academics, professional and researchers interested in the effects of various grading mechanisms on structural behavior as well as vibration and buckling.

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