Eduardo N. Dvorkin & Rita G. Toscano, Finite Element Analysis of the Collapse and Post-Collapse Behavior of Steel Pipes, Springer 2014, 98 pages |
Clive L. Dym, Stability theory and its applications to structural mechanics, Courier Dover Publications, 2002, 206 pages |
Edgars Eglitis, Dynamic Buckling of Composite Shells, Lambert Acad. Publ., 2011, 168 pages |
Joe G. Eisley and Anthony M. Waas, Analysis of Structures - An Introduction Including Numerical Methods, Wiley, 2011, 626 pages |
Vladimir Vasilyevich Eliseev, Mechanics of Deformable Solid Bodies, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Publishing House, 2006, 231 p |
I. Elishakoff, J. Arbocz, C.D. Babcock and A. Libai (Editors), Buckling of Structures: Theory and Experiment (Studies in Applied Mechanics, Vol. 19), Elsevier, 1988, 470 pages |
Isaac Elishakoff, Probabilistic Theory of Structures, Second Edition, Wiley, Dover, 1999, 502 pages |
Isaac Elishakoff, Yiwei Li and James H. Starnes, Non-classical problems in the theory of elastic stability, Cambridge University Press, 2001, 336 page |
Isaac Elishakoff and Makoto Ohsaki, Optimization and Anti-optimization of Structures Under Uncertainty, World Scientific, 2010, 424 pages |
Isaac Elishakoff, etal., Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosensors: Vibration, Buckling, Impact, ISTE, Wiley, 2012 |
Isaac Elishakoff & Horst Irretier (Editiors), Refined Dynamical Theories of Beams, Plates and Shells and Their Applications, Euromech-Colloquium 219, Springer, 2013, 436 pages |
Isaac Elishakoff (Editor), A Celebration of Mechanics: from Nano to Macro, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., Series A, June 2013 |
Isaac Elishakoff, Resolution of the 20th Century Conundrum in Elastic Stability, World Scientific, Imperial College Press, 2014 |
Isaac Elishakoff, Demetris Pentaras and Cristina Gentilini, Mechanics of Functionally Graded Material Structures, World Scientific, 2015 |
Isaac Elishakoff, Handbook on Timoshenko-Ehrenfest Beam and Uflyand-Mindlin Plate Theories, World Scientific, 2019, 800 pages |