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Example 10, Slide 13: Buckling modes and load factors under lateral acceleration

This is Fig. 7 from the 2013 GENOPT paper2. Shown here are results from the specific case called “oneskirt”: Load Case 2 (lateral acceleration): Comparison of buckling load factors from GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 for linear bifurcation buckling of the skirt with (A) nonuniform nodal point spacing in Segment 3 of the skirt and (B) uniform nodal point spacing in Segment 3 of the skirt. In the GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 software (SUBROUTINE BOSDEC) the nonuniform nodal point spacing in Segment 3 of the skirt is the standard model. SUBROUTINE BOSDEC was modified only temporarily for the purpose of obtaining the GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 results shown in (B). Notice that in this case the BIGBOSOR4 prediction of the buckling load factor in (A) is significantly lower than that in (B).

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