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Circumferentially complexly corrugated shells of revolution subject to uniform external normal pressure

This example is analogous to Example 11, except the corrugations run in the circumferential direction instead of in the axial direction. This and the next 14 slides are from the paper: Minimum weight design by GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 of an externally pressurized circumferentially corrugated cylindrical shell and verification by STAGS, by David Bushnell, Retired, accepted for the 56th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Meeting, Kissammee, Florida, January 5 – 9, 2015 (paper withdrawn because of lack of ability to speak clearly due to oro-mandibular dystonia).

This is Fig. 1 from the paper. The subject of this paper is circumferentially complexly corrugated shells of revolution subject to uniform external normal pressure. In the text the loading is called “uniform external lateral normal pressure” because this pressure does NOT give rise to any applied axially compressive stress resultant equal to pr/2. The GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 computer program is used to obtain minimum-weight designs of shells like the one shown here. Then, after the optimized design has been obtained by GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4, the STAGS general-purpose finite element computer program is used to validate the predictions of local buckling, general buckling, and maximum effective stress predicted by BIGBOSOR4. (NOTE: “Smoothing” segments are not included in this particular STAGS so-called “half-module” model.)

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