Example 11, Slide 25: Buckling of optimized axially compressed aluminum cylindrical shell with a uniform corrugated wall |
Example 11, Slide 26: The WEIGHT of “global” optimum designs versus number of major segments over WIDTH/2=50 inches |
Example 11, Slide 27: Optimization of narrower panels |
Example 11, Slide 28: Buckling of a complexly corrugated cylindrical shell under uniform axial compression (compression normal to the screen) |
Example 11, Slide 29: General buckling of the same optimized truss-core sandwich cylindrical shell as that shown 4 slides ago |
Example 11, Slide 30: HUGEBOSOR4 model of an optimized complexly corrugated cylindrical shell with smoothing under uniform axial compression |
Example 11, Slide 31: STAGS model of the same optimized complexly corrugated cylindrical shell with smoothing under uniform axial compression |
Example 11, Slide 32: BIGBOSOR4 model of a simpler optimized complexly corrugated cylindrical shell with smoothing under uniform axial compression |
Example 11, Slide 33: STAGS model of the same simpler optimized complexly corrugated cylindrical shell with smoothing under uniform axial compression |
Minimum weight design by GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 of an externally pressurized circumferentially corrugated cylindrical shell and verification by STAGS |
Circumferentially complexly corrugated shells of revolution subject to uniform external normal pressure |
The profile of the linearly optimized specific case called “mich8”, showing the discretization used in the BIGBOSOR4 model |
Symmetric linear general buckling (“symsymgenbuck”) from BIGBOSOR4 of the linearly optimized specific case called “mich8” |
The prediction from STAGS of linear general buckling for the linearly optimized specific case called “mich8” |
Linear local buckling from BIGBOSOR4 of the linearly optimized specific case called “mich8” |