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EXAMPLE 6, Slide 14: Effective stress predicted by a 60-degree STAGS model of the optimized internally stiffened cylindrical shell with 3 weld lands

This is Fig. 56 from the 2010 GENOPT paper. Shown here is the outer fiber effective stress in the neighborhood of the weld land from the STAGS model 2 (60-degree STAGS model) for the previously GENOPT-optimized shell in which the T-stringer web and outstanding flange slenderness ratios are constrained to be less than 10.

The initial general buckling modal imperfection is the negative of the shape displayed in Figs. 54a,b of the 2010 GENOPT paper, with amplitude, Wimp = –0.125 inch.

The STAGS load factor is PA = 1.127, which is the collapse load (the maximum load reached by the third trace in Fig. 47, shown in the previous slide).

The highest (pink) outer fiber effective stress at this load is 47955 psi.

The weld land curved plate is not included in this plot. Also, the acreage ring along the curved edge at x = 0 is omitted from the plot so that the ends of the acreage stringers can be seen.

The shell is viewed from a different angle in this slide from that corresponding to the general buckling mode displayed two slides ago.

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