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EXAMPLE 8, Slide 11: Local buckling of optimized cylindrical balloon with 40 truss-like modules over 90 degrees of circumference

This is Fig. 64 from the 2012 GENOPT paper. This slide shows LOCAL bifurcation buckling from BIGBOSOR4 of the optimized cylindrical balloon with 40 modules over 90 degrees of circumference and truss-like webs.

Local buckling occurs in some of the inner wall straight segments that have thickness = TFINNR. This LOCAL buckling mode is analogous to that shown for the spherical balloon 5 slides ago.

There are 31 nodal points per segment as specified in the “balloon” software, SUBROUTINE BOSDEC (NODSEG = 31).

Notice that this local buckling eigenvector corresponds to eigenvalue no. 2. The eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue no. 1 is displayed in the next slide.

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