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Department of Civil Engineering
COPPE – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Selected Publications:
E.M. Batista, P. Vellasco, L. Rodrigues (Editors), Tubular Structures XV, 2015, Kindle
Journal Articles, etc:
Batista, E.M. (1989), Étude de la stabilité des profils à paróis minces et section ouverte de types U et C, Collection des publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées, no.119, University of Liege.
Batista EM, Rodrigues FC. Residual stress measurements on cold-formed profiles. Experimental Techniques 1992;16(5):25–9.
Batista E. M. and Rodrigues F. C., Buckling Curve for Cold-Formed Compressed Members, Journal of Constructional steel research, Vol.28, pp.121-136, 1994
Batista, E., Camotim, D., Prola, L. C., Vasquez, E. (1998), On the stability and strength of steel columns affected by distortional buckling, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, V. 46, N. 1-3, paper N. 86.
Silvestre N., Camotim D., Batista E. and Nagahama K., Buckling behaviour of thin-walled composite columns using generalised beam theory, Thin-Walled Structures – Advances and Developments (Cracow, 5-7/6), J. Zaras et al. (eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 329-337, 2001
Nagahama K., Camotim D. & Batista E.M. (2002). Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Local-Plate/Distortional Mode Interaction in Cold-Formed Lipped Channel Steel Columns, Proceedings 2nd Internat. Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics (ICSSD 2002 - Singapore, December 16-18), eds. C.M. Wang et al., World Scientific, 363-368.
K. Nagahama, D. Camotim, E. Batista, "Local Buckling, Post-Buckling and Mode Interaction Finite Element Analyses in Cold-Formed Steel Members", in B.H.V. Topping, Z. Bittnar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 99, 2002
Batista, E.M. (2009), Local-global buckling interaction procedures for the design of cold-formed columns: Effective width and direct method integrated approach, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 47, pp. 1218-1231.
Batista, E.M. (2010), Effective section method: A general direct method for the design of steel cold-formed members under local-global buckling interaction, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 48, pp. 345-356.
Dinis PB, Camotin D, Batista E, Santos E. (2011) Local/Distortional/Global mode coupling in fixed lipped channel columns: Behaviour and strength. Advanced Steel Construction ;7(4):113-30
Dos Santos ES, Batista EM, Camotim D (2012) Experimental investigation concerning lipped channel columns undergoing local distortional global buckling mode interaction. Thin-Walled Struct 54:19–34
Dinis PB, Batista E, Camotim D, Santos E. (2012) Local-distortional-global interaction in lipped channel columns: Experimental results, numerical simulations and design considerations. Thin-Walled Structures 61, 2-13
Daniel C.T. Cardoso, Kent A. Harries and Eduardo de M. Batista, “Compressive strength equation for GFRP square tube columns”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 59, pp 1-11, March 2014
Daniel C.T. Cardoso, Kent A. Harries and Eduardo de M. Batista, “Closed-form equations for compressive local buckling of pultruded thin-walled sections”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 79, pp 16-22, June 2014
Juarez Moara Santos Franco, Jose Pinto Duarte, Eduardo de Miranda Batista and Alexandre Landesmann, “Shape grammar of steel cold-formed sections based on manufacturing rules”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 79, pp 218-232, June 2014
Juarez Moara Santos Franco and Eduardo de Miranda Batista, “Buckling behavior and strength of thin-walled stiffened trapezoidal CFS under flexural bending”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 117, pp 268-281, August 2017
Daniel C.T. Cardoso, Guilherme C. de Salles, Eduardo de M. Batista and Paulo B. Goncalves, “Explicit equations for distortional buckling of cold-formed steel lipped channel columns”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 119, pp 925-933, October 2017
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