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Roberval Laboratory, GSM Departmant
University of Technology of Compiegne, France
Professeur des Universités. Encadrement de plus de 30 thèses de doctorat.
Coauteur de trois livres sur la modélisation des structures par éléments finis. Environ 40 publications et 140 communications.
Directeur Adjoint du Laboratoire Roberval (UMR 6066 UTC CNRS de 2000 à 2001)
Directeur de la Recherche du GIP-INSIC depuis 2001
Responsable de nombreux contrats de recherche avec l'industrie.
Références clients : EDF DER (Clamart), NORDON Cryogénie (Golbey 88), FCI-AREVA (Epernon)
Research Interests:
Mécanique des solides et des structures, modélisation numérique en mécanique, calcul des structures, simulation numérique de l'emboutissage (approche inverse, optimisation)
Procédés de mise en forme de matériaux
Selected Publications:
Batoz, J.; Dhatt, G.: Buckling of Deep Shells. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Struct. Mech. in Reactor Technology. Berlin, Sept. 1973, Vol. M, Paper M5/7.
Batoz, J. L., Chattopadhyay, A. and Dhatt, G., “Finite element large deflection analysis of shallow shells”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1976, pp. 39–58
Batoz JL, Dhatt G. Incremental displacement algorithms for nonlinear problems. Int J Num Meth Engng 1979;14:1262-7.
J. L. Batoz, “Curved finite elements and shell theories with particular reference to the buckling of a circular arch”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 774–779, 1979
J.-L. Batoz, K.-J. Bathe, and L. W. Ho, “A study of three-node triangular plate bending elements”, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., Vol. 15, pp. 1771–1812, 1980.
J.-L. Batoz. An explicit formulation for an efficient triangular plate bending element. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 18:1077–1089, 1982.
Batoz J-L, Tahar MB (1982) Evaluation of a new quadrilateral thin plate bending element. Int J Numer Methods Eng 18: 1655–1677
Batoz, J. L. and Lardeur, P. (1989) A discrete shear triangular nine degrees of freedom element for the analysis of thick to very thin plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 28, 533–60.
A. Ibrahimbegovi, H., Shakourzadeh, J.-L. Batoz, M., Al Mikdad and Ying-Qiao Guo, “On the role of geometrically exact and second-order theories in buckling and post-buckling analysis of three-dimensional beam structures”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 61, No. 6, December 1996, pp. 1101-1114
Brunet, J.L. Batoz and S. Bouabdallah, Sur l’evaluation des risques de plissement locale de pieces industrielles obtenues par emboutissage Actes du 3eme Colloque National en Calcul des Structures , 753-758, Giens, France (1997).
Batoz JL, Hammadi F, Zheng C, Zhong W. On the linear analysis of plates and shells using a new-16 degrees of freedom flat shell element. Comput Struct 2000;78:11–20.
Batoz, J. L., Zheng, C. L. and Hammadi, F., “Formulation and evaluation of new triangular, quadrilateral, pentagonal and hexagonal discrete Kirchhoff plate/shell elements”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 52, Nos. 5-6, October 2001, pp. 615–630
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