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Institute for the Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Alexander K. Belyaev):
V.P. Matveenko, M. Krommer, A.K. Belyaev and H. Irschik (editors), Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines, Springer, (2019)
Journal Articles, etc.:
Hans Irschik, Alexander Belyaev, Kurt Schlacher, "Anwendung der Mohrschen Analogie auf "intelligente" Konstruktionen.", in ZAMM, Seite(n) 81-82, 1995
Alexander Belyaev, Hans Irschik, "Zur kinetischen Instabilität von elektrodynamischen Schwingungserregern.", in ZAMM, Vol. 75, Seite(n) T79-T80, 1995
Alexander Belyaev, Hans Irschik, "Non-linear waves in complex structures modelled by elastic- viscoplastic stochastic media.", in International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, V ol. 31, Seite(n) 771-777, 1996
Alexander Belyaev, Hans Irschik, "Kinetische Instabilität elektrodynamischer Schwingungs- erreger.", in e&i, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (e&i), Vol. 113, Seite(n) 489- 494, 1996
Alexander Belyaev, Hans Irschik, "On the dynamic instability of components in complex structures.", in International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 34, Seite(n) 2199-2217, 1997
Hans Irschik, Michael Krommer, Alexander Belyaev, Kurt Schlacher, "Shaping of Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators for Vibrations of Slender Beams: Coupled Theory and Inappropriate Shape Functions.", in Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, Vol. 9, Seite(n) 546- 554, 1998
Helmut Holl, Alexander Belyaev, Hans Irschik, "Simulation of the Duffing-oscillator with time- varying mass by a BEM in time.", in Computers & Structures, Vol. 73, Seite(n) 177-186, 1999
Helmut Holl, Alexander Belyaev, Hans Irschik, "A numerical algorithm for nonlinear dynamic problems based on BEM.", in Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 23, Seite(n) 503-513, 1999
Martin Baldinger, Alexander Belyaev, Hans Irschik, "Principal and second instability regions of shear-deformable polygonal plates.", in Computational Mechanics, Vol. 26, Seite(n) 288 - 294, 2000
Martin Baldinger, Hans Irschik, Alexander Belyaev, "Parametric instability of polygonal Mindlin-Reissner-plates subjected to harmonic in-plane forces.", in Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 242, Seite(n) 397-409, 2001
Ohtake, Y., A. Belyaev, M. Alexa, G. Turk, and H. Seidel (2003). Multi-level partition of unity implicits. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2003) 22, 463–470.
Thomas Mrazek, Alexander Belyaev, Rudolf Reitbauer, HansIrschik, "Versuchsgestützte Modellierung von Kfz-Stoßdämpfern für die dynamische Mehrkörpersimulation (MKS).", in e&i, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Vol. 129, Seite(n) 313-318, 2004
Vetyukov Y, Belyaev A (2010) Finite element modeling for coupled electromechanical behavior of nonlinear piezoelectric shells as material surfaces. In: Topping B, Adam J, Pallarés F, Bru R, Romero M (eds) Proceedings of the tenth international conference on computational structures technology. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, p 19
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