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Dept. of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Background: Research work in the area of design optimization (PDE constrained optimization), where computer based methods are developed for the rational optimization of structures and devices. A recent example project is PLATO-N, which is a FP6 European collaboration, which includes Airbus and EADS as partners. Here specialized algorithms are developed for the optimization of composite structures for aeronautics applications.
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Martin P. Bendsoe):
"Topological design optimization of structures, machines and materials - status and perspectives." (Niels Olhoff and Ole Sigmund, co-editors), Kluwer/Springer, Dordrecht/Berlin, 2006. xiii+608 pp.
"Topology Optimization - Theory, Methods, and Applications." (with Ole Sigmund) Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, xiv+370 pp. (revised printing 2004)
"Synthesis in Bio Solid Mechanics." (Pauli Pedersen, co-editor), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, x+410 pp.,1999.
Bendsøe MP. Optimization of structural topology, shape, and material. Springer: Berlin, 1995.
Journal Articles, etc.:
Bendsee M.P.: On obtaining a solution to optimization problems for solid, elastic plates by restriction of the design space. Mech. Based Des. Struct. Mach. 11(4), 501–521 (1983)
M.P. Bendsøe, N. Olhoff, and J.E. Taylor. A variational formulation for multicriteria structural optimization. Journal of Structural Mechanics, 11:523–544, 1983
Taylor JE, Bendsøe MP (1984) An interpretation of min-max structural design problems including a method for relaxing constraints. Int J Solids Struct 20(4):301–314
Bendsøe, M.P.; Olhoff, N.; Sokolowski, J. 1985: Sensitivity analysis of elasticity with unilateral constraints.J. Struct. Mech. 13, 201–222
Bendsøe, M.P.; Sokolowski, J. 1987: Sensitivity analysis and optimal design of elastic plates with unilateral point supports.Mech. Struct. Mach. 15, 383–393
Bendsøe, M.P.; Sokolowski, J. 1987: Sensitivity analysis and optimization of elastic-plastic structures.Eng. Opt. 11, 31–38
Bendsøe, M.P.; Sokolowski, J. 1988: Design sensitivity analysis of elastic-plastic analysis problems.Mech. Struct. Mach. 16, 81–102
Bendsøe MP, Kikuchi N (1988) Generating optimal topologies in structural design using a homogenization method. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 71:197–224
Bendsøe MP (1989) Optimal shape design as a material distribution problem. Struct Multidisc Optim 1(4):193–202
Rozvany GIN, Bendsøe MP, Kirsch U, Layout optimization of structures. Appl Mech Rev 48, pp.41-118, 1995.
Duysinx P, Bendsøe MP (1998) Topology optimization of continuum structures with local stress constraints. Int J Numer Methods Eng 43:1453–1478
Bendsøe, M.P. Sigmund, O.: Material interpolation schemes in topology optimization. Arch. Appl. Mech. 69, 635-654 (1999)
J.E. Taylor and M.P. Bendsøe, “A mutual energy formulation for optimal structural design”, Struct. Multidisc. Optim., Vol. 22, pp 95-101, 2001
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