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Département de génie civil , Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret; BP 78 Zaaroura, Tiaret, Algérie.
Laboratoire de Géomatique et Développement Durable, Université de Tiaret, Algérie.
Selected Publications:
Benferhat, R., Hassaine Daouadji, T. and Mansour, M.S. (2014), “A Higher Order Shear Deformation Model for Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates”, Transactions Indian Institute Metals, 68(1), 7-16
Benferhat, R., Hassaine Daouadji, T. and Said Mansour, M. (2015), "A higher order shear deformation model for bending analysis of functionally graded plates", Tran. Indian Inst. Metal., 68(1), 7-16
Daouadji, T. H., Adim, B., Benferhat, R., Bending analysis of an imperfect FGM plates under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading with analytical validation, Advances in Materials Research 5 (1) (2016) 35–53.
Adim Belkacem, Hassaine Daouadji, T., Rabia Benferhat and Lazreg Hadji, (2016), “An efficient and simple higher order shear deformation theory for bending analysis of composite plates under various boundary conditions”, Earthq. Struct., 11(1), 63-82.
Benferhat, R., Daouadji, T.H., Adim, B., A novel higher order shear deformation theory based on the neutral surface concept of FGM plate under transverse load, Advances in Materials Research 5 (2) (2016) 107–120.
Benferhat, R., Hassaine Daouadji, T., Hadji, L. and Said, M. (2016), "Static analysis of the FGM plate with porosities", Steel Compos. Struct., Int. J., 21(1), 123-136
Hassaine Daouadji, T., Benferhat, R. and Belkacem, A. (2016), “Bending analysis of an imperfect advanced composite plates resting on the elastic foundations”, Coupled Syst. Mech., 5(3), 269-285
Benferhat, R., Daouadji, T.H., Mansour, M.S., Free vibration analysis of FG plates resting on the elastic foundation and based on the neutral surface concept using higher order shear deformation theory, Comptes Rendus Mecanique 344 (9) (2016) 631–641.
Benferhat, R., Daouadji, T. H., Mansour, M. S., Hadji, L., Effect of porosity on the bending and free vibration response of functionally graded plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundations, Eartquakes and Structures 10 (5) (2016) 1429–1449.
Rabahi, A., Tahar, H.D., Benferhat, R. and Adim, B. (2017), “Elastic analysis of interfacial stress concentrations in CFRP-RC hybrid beams: Effect of creep and shrinkage”, Adv. Mater. Res., 6(3), 257-278.
Benferhat, R., Rabahi, A., Tahar, H.D. Abbes, B., Adim, B. and Abbes, F. (2018), “Analytical analysis of the interfacial shear stress in RC beams strengthened with prestressed exponentially-varying properties plate”, Adv. Mater. Res., 7(1), 29-44.
Rabahi, A., Tahar, H.D., Benferhat, R. and Adim, B. (2018), “Nonlinear analysis of damaged RC beams strengthened with glass fiber reinforced polymer plate under symmetric loads”, Earthq. Struct., 15(2), 113-122
Hadj, B., Benferhat, R., Daouadji, T.H., Influence of the distribution shape of porosity on the bending FGM new plate model resting on elastic foundations, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 72 (1) (2019) 61–70.
Benferhat, R., Daouadji, T.H., Abderezak, R., Effect of porosity in interfacial stress analysis of perfect FGM beams reinforced with a porous functionally graded materials plate, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 72 (3) (2019) 293–304.
Daouadji, T. H., Boussad, A. S., Abderezak, R., Benferhat, R., Fazilay, A., Belkacem, A., Flexural behaviour of steel beams reinforced by carbon fibre reinforced polymer: Experimental and
numerical study, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 72 (4) (2019) 409–419.
Benferhat, R., Daouadji, T. H., Abderezak, R., Effect of distribution shape of the porosity on the interfacial stresses of the FGM beam strengthened with FRP plate, Earthquakes and Structures 16 (5) (2019) 601–609.
Hassaine Daouadji Tahar, Rabahi Abderezak and Benferhat Rabia, “Flexural performance of wooden beams strengthened by composite plate”, Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp 233-259, 2020
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