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Department of Physics
Saratov State Technical University, Russia
Selected Publications:
A.V. Krysko, J. Awrejcewicz, T.V. Yakovleva, V. Dobriyan, I.V. Papkova and V.A. Krysko, “Mathematical modeling of chaotic vibrations of strongly non-linear continuous structures”, Proceedings 6th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, 11-14 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Dobriyan, V.; Awrejcewicz, J.; Krysko, A.V.; Papkova, I.V.; Krysko, V.A. On the Lyapunov exponents computation of coupled non-linear Euler-Bernoulli beams. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Cagliari, Italy, 3–6 September 2013; Civil-Comp Press: Stirlingshire, UK, 2013; paper 53
Krysko, A.V.; Awrejcewicz, J.; Kutepov, I.E.; Zagniboroda, N.A.; Dobriyan, V.; Krysko, V.A. Chaotic dynamics of flexible Euler-Bernoulli beams. Chaos 2014, 34, 043130.
J. Awrejcewicz, V.A. Krysko, I.V. Papkova, T.F. Yakovleva, N.A. Zagniboroda, M.V. Zhigalov, A.V. Krysko, V. Dobriyan, E. Yu. Krylova and S.A. Mitskievich, “Application of the Lyapunov exponents and wavelets to study and control of plates and shells”, Chapter 1 in an unidentified book in the pdf file, January 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/57452
J. Awrejcewicz, A.V. Krysko, V.A. Krysko, E. Yu. Krylova, S.A. Mitskievich, I.V. Papkova, T.V. Yakovleva, V.M. Zakharov and V. Dobriyan, “Turbulent phenomena in flexible plates and shells”, Unidentified chapter in unidentified book in the pdf file, January 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08266-0_5
J. Awrejcewicz, A.V. Krysko, N.A. Zagniboroda, V.V. Dobriyan and V.A. Krysko, “On the general theory of chaotic dynamics of flexible curvilinear Euler-Bernoulli beams”, Nonlinear Dynamics, August 2014,
DOI 10.1007/s11071-014-1641-5
V.A. Krys’ko, T.V. Yakovleva, V. Dobriyan and I.V. Papkova, “Wavelet-analysis-based chaotic synchronization of vibrations of multilayer mechanical structures”, International Applied Mechanics, Vol. 50, No. 6, November 2014
Jan Awrejcewicz, Anton V. Krysko, Nikolay P. Erofeev, Vitalyj Dobriyan, Marina A. Barulina and Vadim A. Krysko, “Quantifying chaos by various computational methods. Part 1: Simple systems”, Entropy, MDPI, 6 March 2018
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