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Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Ph.D.: Stanford Univ., CA, USA 1980
M.Sc.: Stanford Univ., CA, USA 1978
B.Sc.: Civil Eng., Technion 1977
Research Interests:
Computational Mechanics; Stability and Buckling; Vibration and Dynamics; Exact Element Method; Beams, Plates, Shells; Functionally Graded Materials; Composite Materials; Smart Materials
Selected Publications (for more see the link, Prof. Moshe Eisenberger):
Moshe Eisenberger and David Z. Vankelevsky, “Exact stiffness matrix for beams on elastic foundation”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp 1355-1359, 1985
(more here)
Efraim E, Eisenberger M. Exact vibration analysis of variable thickness thick annular isotropic and FGM plates. J Sound Vib 2007;299:720–738
Shufrin, I., Rabinovitch, O., and Eisenberger, M., “A Semi-Analytical Approach for the Non-Linear Large Deflection Analysis of Laminated Rectangular Plates Under General Out-of-Plane Loading,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2008, pp. 328–340
I. Shufrin, O. Rabinovitch and M. Eisenberger, “Buckling of symmetrically laminated rectangular plates with general boundary conditions – A semi analytical approach”, Composite Structures, Vol.82, No. 4, February 2008, pp. 521-531
Wang, C. M., Kitipornchai, S., Lim, C. W. and Eisenberger, M. 2008. Beam Bending Solutions Based on Nonlocal Timoshenko Beam Theory. J. Eng. Mech., 134: 475–481
I. Shufrin, O. Rabinovitch, and M. Eisenberger, “Buckling of laminated plates with general boundary conditions under combined compression, tension, and shear-A semi-analytical solution”, Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 46, no. 7-9, pp. 925-938, 2008.
Shufrin I, Rabinovitch O, Eisenberger M (2009) Elastic nonlinear stability analysis of thin rectangular plates through a semi-analytical approach. Int J Solids Struct 46:2075–2092
Elia Efraim and Moshe Eisenberger, “Dynamic stiffness vibration analysis of thick spherical shell segments with variable thickness”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp 821-835, 2010
Shufrin, O. Rabinovitch, M. Eisenberger, A semi-analytical approach for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of trapezoidal plates, Int J Mech Sci, 52 (12) (2010), pp. 1588–1596
Isaac Elishakoff, Moshe Eisenberger and Axel Delmas, “Buckling and vibration of functionally graded material columns sharing Duncan’s mode shape, and new cases”, Structures, Vol. 5, pp 170-174, February 2016
Michele Bacciocchi, Moshe Eisenberger, Nicholas Fantuzzi, Francesco Tornabene and Erasmo Viola, “Vibration analysis of variable thickness plates and shells by the Generalized Differential Quadrature method”, Composite Structures, Vol. 156, pp 218-237, November 2016
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