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Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Michigan
Joe G. Eisley received the degrees of Bachelor of Science (St. Louis University, 1951), Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (California Institute of Technology, 1952, 1956) all in the field of aeronautics. He served on the faculty of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan from 1956 until his retirement as Emeritus Professor of Aerospace Engineering in 1998. His special areas of teaching
and research include structural analysis, vibration, aerospace systems, and computer aided design. Industrial activities included work with North American Aviation, Douglas, and Boeing. He worked with several NASA Space Grant Program and serving on the Board of Directors of the Universities Space Research Association for six years. His particular and proudest legacy may be found in the significant achievements of many former students in the aeronautics and space industries, military service, and NASA (including five astronauts).
Selected Publications:
Joe G. Eisley and Anthony M. Waas, Analysis of Structures - An Introduction Including Numerical Methods, Wiley, 2011, 626 pages
Journal Articles, etc.:
Eisley, J.G., "The Flutter of Simply Supported Rectangular Plates in Supersonic Flow", AFOSR TN 55-236, 1955.
Eisley, J.G., "The Flutter of a Two-Dimensional Buckled Plate with Clamped Edges in a Supersonic Flow", AFOSR TN 56-296, 195
Eisley JG (1964) Nonlinear vibration of beams and rectangular plates. Z Angew Math Mech 15:167–175.
Eisley, J. G., 1964, “Large amplitude vibration of bucked beams and rectangular plates,” AIAA Journal 2, pp. 2207–2209.
Eisley, J. G. and Bennett, J. A., 1970, “Stability of large amplitude forced motion of a simply supported beam,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 5, pp. 645–657
Bennett JA, Eisley JG. A multiple degree-of-freedom approach to nonlinear beam vibrations. AIAA J 1970;8(4):734–9.
Min, G. B. and Eisley, J. G., 1972, “Nonlinear vibration of buckled beams,” Journal of Engineering for Industry 94, pp. 637–645
C.-H. Ho, R. A. Scott, and J. G. Eisley, “Non-planar, non-linear oscillations of a beam-I. Forced motions,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 113–127, 1975.
C.-H. Ho, R. A. Scott, and J. G. Eisley, “Non-planar, non-linear oscillations of a beam II. Free motions,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 333–339, 1976.
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