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Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Optimal Design Laboratory
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Jasbir S. Arora):
Haug E. J. and Arora J. S., Applied Optimal Design: Mechanical and Structural Systems, John Wiley & Sons, N.-Y., 1979
Jasbir S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, 3rd edition, Academic Press, 2004, 720 pages
Jasbir S. Arora (Editor), Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, World Scientific, 2007, 600 pages
Journal Articles, etc.:
J. S. Arora and E. J. Haug. Methods of design sensitivity analysis in structural optimization. AIAA Journal, 17(9):970–974, 1979.
Ryu, Y.S.; Hariran, M.; Wu, C.C.; Arora, J.S. 1985: Structural design sensitivity of nonlinear response. Comp. Struct. 21, 245–255
Hsieh, C.C.; Arora, J.S. 1985: Structural design sensitivity analysis with general boundary conditions: dynamic problem. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 21, 267–283
Hsieh, C.C.; Arora, J.S. 1986: Algorithms for point-wise state variable constraints in structural optimization.Comp. Struct. 22, 225–238
C.C. Wu and J.S. Arora, Design sensitivity analysis and optimization of nonlinear structural response using incremental procedure. AIAA J.,25, No. 8 (1986), 1118–1125
Wu CC, Arora JS (1987) Simultaneous Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Response. Eng Comput 2:53–63
Arora, J.S.; Wu, C.C. 1987: Design sensitivity analysis and optimization of nonlinear structures. In: Mota Soares, C.A (ed.) Computer aided optimal design: structures and mechanical systems, pp. 589–604. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer
Wu, C.C.; Arora, J.S. 1987: Design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear response using incremental procedure.AIAA J. 25, 1118–1125
Wu, C.C.; Arora, J.S. 1988: Design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear buckling load. Comp. Mech. 3, 129–140
Cardoso, J.B.; Arora, J.S. 1988: Variational method for design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear structural mechanics. AIAA J. 26, 595–605
Tsay, J.J.; Arora, J.S. 1988: Variational methods for design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear response with history dependent effects. In: Atluri, S.N.; Vagawa, G. (eds.)Computational mechanics '88, pp. 45.vi. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer
Tseng, C.H.; Arora, J.S. 1988: Optimum design of systems for dynamic and control using sequential quadratic programming. AIAA Paper 88-2303, Proc. AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 29th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf. (held in Williamsburg, Va., April 18–20), Part 2, pp. 739–748
Arora JS. IDESIGN User's Manual. Optimal Design Laboratory, The University of Iowa, Technical Report no. ODL-89.7, 1989.
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