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Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Campus Nord, C2-204 Jordi Girona 1-3 Barcelona, 08034
_ Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA. Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering — January 2003.
_ Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering —February 1998.
_ Associate professor (Professor Agregat), October 2007 – present Dept. of Applied Mathematics 3, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain)
_ Invited scholar, March 2005 – May 2005 Institute for the Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN)
_ Assistant professor, Sept 2004 – Sept 2007 Dept. of Applied Mathematics 3, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain)
_ Postdoctoral scholar , March 2003 – August 2004 Graduate Aeronautical Labs, California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) (Pasadena, CA)
Fellowships and Awards:
_ O. C. Zienkiewicz Award for Young Scientists in Computational Engineering Sciences, awarded by the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS)
_ Awarded an European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
_ Icrea Academia Award for excellence in research
_ Timoshenko Visiting Scholar, Stanford University
_ Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant
_ Programa Ramón y Cajal Research position
_ ASME/BOEING 2003 Structures and Materials Award for a paper presented at the 43rd SDM Conference in Denver, co-authored by Ted Belytschko.
_ “La Caixa” Foundation Graduate Fellowship, September 1999 – July 2001
Current Research Interests:
_ Generically, mathematical modeling and simulation in small-scale mechanics, engineering, and biophysics.
_ Nonlinear computational mechanics of two-dimensional materials and structures (lipid bilay- ers, graphene, thin shells).
_ Cellular mechanics: bilayer dynamics and motility.
_ Accelerated molecular dynamics of proteins.
_ Nonlinear dimensionality reduction in computational mechanics.
_ Phase-field modeling and simulation.
_ Maximum entropy approximation methods.
Selected Publications:
• D. Millan, A. Rosolen and M. Arroyo (2011), “Thin shell analysis from scattered points with maximum-entropy approximants”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineer- ing, 85:723–751.
• H. Shima, M. Sato, K. Iiboshi, S. Ghosh and M. Arroyo (2010), “Diverse corrugation pattern in radially shrinking carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B, 82:085401.
• Q. Lu, M. Arroyo and R. Huang (2009), “Elastic bending modulus of monolayer graphene”, Journal of Physics D, 42:102002. Selected to be part of the Journal of Physics D Highlights of 2009. http://herald.iop.org/highlights/m92/ljc/135510/link/3448
• M. Arroyo and A. DeSimone (2009), “Relaxation dynamics of fluid membranes”, Physical Review E, 79:031915.
• I. Arias and M. Arroyo (2008), “Size-dependent nonlinear elastic scaling of multiwalled carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review Letters, 100, 085503. Cover article: http://prl.aps.org/covers/100/8
• M. Arroyo and I. Arias (2008), “Rippling and a phase-transforming mesoscopic model for multiwalled carbon nanotubes”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 56, 1224- 1244. Times cited: 15
• M. Arroyo and M. Ortiz (2006), “Local maximum-entropy approximation schemes: a seamless bridge between finite elements and meshfree methods”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65, 2167-2202.
• M. Arroyo and T. Belytschko (2004), “Finite crystal elasticity of carbon nanotubes based on the exponential Cauchy-Born rule”, Physical Review B, 69, 115415.
• M. Arroyo and T. Belytschko (2004), “Finite element methods for the nonlinear mechanics of crystalline sheets and nanotubes”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engi- neering, 59, 419456.
• M. Arroyo and T. Belytschko (2003), “Nonlinear mechanical response and rippling of thick multi-walled carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review Letters, 91, 215505.
• M. Arroyo and T. Belytschko (2002), “An atomistic-based finite deformation membrane for single layer crystalline films”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 50, 1941-1977.
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