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Prof. Dmytro V. Babich
S. P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Selected Publications:
A. N. Guz, I. Yu. Babich, D. V. Babich, et al., Stability of Structural Members, Vol. 10 of the 12-volume series Mechanics of Composite Materials [in Russian], A.S.K., Kyiv (2001).
Journal Articles:
D. V. Babich and A. S. Strel'chenko, “Stability of shells of revolution with variable thickness,” in: Stability of Three-Dimensional Structures [in Russian], Izd. Kievskogo Inzh.-Stroit. Inst., Kiev (1978), pp. 48–51.
D. V. Babich and I. K. Koshevoi, “Natural vibrations and stability of three-layer composite shells,” Prikl. Mekh., 14, No. 7, 49–54 (1978).
D. V. Babich and I. K. Koshevoi, “Stability of a composite cylindrical shell with different reinforcement schemes,” Prikl. Mekh., 17, No. 5, 133–136 (1981).
A. N. Guz’, Ya M. Grigorenko, I. Yu. Babich, et al., Mechanics of Structural Elements (Vol. 2 of the Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structural Elements) [in Russian], Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1983)
D. V. Babich and N. Ya. Martynova, “The variational—difference method for determination of critical loads for shells of revolution,” Probl. Prochn., No. 6, 55–57 (1983).
D. V. Babich and L. P. Khoroshun, “Stability of shells of revolution,” in: A. N. Guz, Ya. M. Grigorenko et al., The Mechanics of Structural Elements, Vol. 2 of the three-volume series The Mechanics of Composites and Structural Elements [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1983), pp. 319–334.
D. V. Babich, “Method of discrete approximation of functionals in problems on the stability of shells of revolution” Prikl. Mekh.,19, No. 2, 38–44 (1983).
D. V. Babich and L. A. Deriglazova, “Stability of shells of revolution with small deviations from cylindrical form,” Prikl. Mekh.,20, No. 12, 106–108 (1984).
D. V. Babich, I. K. Koshevoi, and S. G. Shpakova, “Allowance for inhomogeneous properties of the material in elastic-equilibrium and stability problems for shells,” Probl. Prochn., No. 11, 99–102 (1985)
D. V. Babich and I. K. Koshevoi, Influence of the Stack Structure and Reinforcement Angles on the Stability of a Cylindrical Shell [in Russian], Manuscript No. 5652-V85 deposited at VINITI 07.31.85, Kiev (1985).
D. V. Babich, “Stability of cylindrical shells with elastic properties varying along the generatrix,” Prikl. Mekh., 21, No. 3, 36–39 (1985).
D. V. Babich, “Stability of orthotropic shells of revolution with an almost rectilinear generatrix,” Prikl. Mekh., 22, No. 7, 113–116 (1986).
D. V. Babich, “Dependence of critical loads for orthotropic shells on small deviations in the shape of the generatrix,” Prikl. Mekh., 22, No. 8, 46–50 (1986).
D. V. Babich, Numerical Solution of Eigenvalue Problems for Shells of Revolution [in Russian], Manuscript No. 2855-V86 deposited at VINITI 02.10.86, Kiev (1986).
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