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Prof. I. Yu. Babich
S. P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Selected Publications:
A. N. Guz’, Ya M. Grigorenko, I. Yu. Babich, et al., Mechanics of Structural Elements (Vol. 2 of the Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structural Elements) [in Russian], Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1983).
A. N. Guz and I. Yu. Babich, The Three-Dimensional Theory of Stability of Deformable Bodies, Vol. 4 of the six-volume series Three-Dimensional Problems of the Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1985).
A. N. Guz, I. Yu. Babich, D. V. Babich, et al., Stability of Structural Members, Vol. 10 of the 12-volume series Mechanics of Composite Materials [in Russian], A.S.K., Kyiv (2001).
Journal Articles:
I. Yu. Babich, “Stability of transversally isotropic cylindrical shells” [in Ukrainian], Dokl. Akad. Nauk URSR, Ser. A, No. 5 (1968).
I. Yu. Babich and A. N. Guz' “Stability of a transversally isotropic cylindrical shell under axial compression,” Mekhan. Polim., No. 6 (1969).
A. N. Guz', B. L. Pelekh, I. Yu. Babich, and G. A. Teters, “Region of applicability of applied theories in stability problems for bars and plates with small shear rigidity for the case of uniaxial compression,” Mekhan. Polim., No. 6 (1969)
A. N. Guz', I. Yu. Babich, B. L. Pelekh, and G. A. Teters, “Applicability of two-dimensional applied theories in stability problems for axial compression of cylindrical shells made from materials with small shear rigidity,” Mekhan. Polim., No. 1 (1970).
I. Yu. Babich, “Stability of equilibrium of an orthotropic cylindrical shell,” Proceedings of VII All-Union Conference on Theory of Shells and Plates, Dnepropetrovsk, 1969, Nauka, Moscow (1970).
I. Yu. Babich, “Problems of stability of equilibrium of three-dimensional orthotropic bodies for small deformations,” Prikl. Mekhan.,8, No. 2 (1972).
I. Yu. Babich, A. N. Guz, I. I. Chernushenko and A. N. Shul’ga, “Estimate of the accuracy of stability theory for cylindrical shells under external pressure”, Soviet Applied Mechanics, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp 1051-1055, October 1974
I. Yu. Babich, I. I. Chernushenko, and N. A. Shul'ga, “A comparative analysis of applied theories of stability of plates and cylindrical shells made of composites,” Soprot. Mater. Teor. Sooruzh., Issue 25, 22–26 (1975).
A. N. Guz and I. Yu. Babich, “Three-dimensional stability problems of composite materials and composite construction,” Rozpr. Inz., 27, No. 3, 613–631 (1979).
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