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Deputy Director for Research, S.P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Selected Publications (For more see the link: Prof. Veniamin D. Kubenko:
A. É. Babaev and V. D. Kubenko, “Deformation of a spherical shell with an internal rigid core under the action of a weak shock wave,” Dokl. AN USSR, Ser. A, No. 11, 984–990 (1976).
A. É. Babaev and V. D. Kubenko, “Interaction of a transient pressure wave with two spherical shells,” Izd. AN SSSR, Mekh. Tverd. Tela, No. 2, 135–141 (1977).
A. É. Babaev and V. D. Kubenko, “The action of an internal weak shock wave on a spherical shell,” Prikl. Mekh., 13, No. 5, 73–78 (1977).
A. É. Babaev, V. D. Kubenko, and Yu. V. Saprykin, “An internal nonstationary hydroelastic problem for a system of spherical shells with a core,” Prikl. Probl. Prochn. Plast., No. 23, 124–129 (1983)
V. D. Kubenko, P. S. Kovalchuk and T. S. Krasnopolskaya, Effect of initial camber on natural nonlinear vibrations of cylindrical shells, Soviet Applied Mechanics 18, 34-39, 1982
V. D. Kubenko, P. S. Koval’chuk, and T. S. Krasnopol’skaya, “Effect of initial deflection on nonlinear natural vibrations of cylindrical shells,”Prikl. Mekh.,18, No. 1, 43–49 (1982).
V. D. Kubenko, P. S. Koval’chuk, and N. P. Podchasov, “Wave forms of motion of circular cylindrical shells,”Prikl. Mekh.,18, No. 2, 16–22 (1982).
A. N. Guz’ and V. D. Kubenko, Theory of the Transient Aerohydroelasticity of Shells (Vol. 5 of Methods of Shell Design) [in Russian], Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1982).
V. I. Gordienko and V. D. Kubenko, “On calculation of transition functions in internal nonstationary hydroelastic problems for cylindrical and spherical shells,” Prikl. Mekh., 19, No. 6, 58–62 (1983).
V. D. Kubenko, P. S. Koval’chuk, and T. S. Krasnopol’skaya, Nonlinear Interaction of Modes of Flexural Vibration of Cylindrical Shells [in Russian], Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1984).
P. I. Galaka, P. S. Koval’chuk, V. D. Kubenko, et al., “Dissipative properties of cylindrical shells undergoing vibrations with large deflections,” in: Energy Dissipation in Vibrations of Mechanical Systems [in Russian], Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1985), pp. 140–145.
V. D. Kubenko, P. S. Koval’chuk, and A. D. Reshetar’, “Modes of flexural vibration of spherical shells with initial imperfections,”Prikl. Mekh., No. 12, 30–39 (1988).
V. D. Kubenko, P. S. Koval’chuk, and N. P. Podchasov, Nonlinear Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells [in Russian], Vishcha Shk., Kiev (1989).
P. S. Koval’chuk and V. D. Kubenko, “Interaction of vibrating cylindrical shells with a liquid inside them,” in: Dynamics of Bodies Interacting with a Medium [in Russian], Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1991), pp. 168–214.
V. D. Kubenko, P. S. Koval’chuk, L. G. Boyarshina, et al., Nonlinear Dynamics of Axisymmetric Bodies Filled with a Fluid [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kyiv (1992).
Kubenko, V. D. and Kovalchuk, P. S., “Nonlinear problems of the vibration of thin shells (review)”, International Applied Mechanics 34, 1998, 703–728.
V. D. Kubenko, A. É. Babaev, E. I. Bespalova, et al., Dynamics of Structural Members, Vol. 9 of the 12-volume series Mechanics of Composite Materials [in Russian], A.S.K., Kyiv (1999).
V.D. Kubenko, P.S. Koval'chuk, Nonlinear problems of the dynamics of elastic shells partially filled with a liquid, International Applied Mechanics 36 (2000) 421–448.
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