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Lodz University of Technology
Department of Strength of Materials
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tomasz_Kubiak2 https://scholar .google.pl/citations?user=o4qREfcAAAAJ&hl=pl
Selected Publications:
BOOK: Kubiak T., Static and Dynamic Buckling of Thin-Walled Plate Structures, Springer, 2013
1. Kubiak T., Influence of Variable orthotropy upon the stability of thin- walled rectangular plates, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1, 37, 1999, pp. 129-148
2. Królak M., Kubiak T., Kołakowski Z., Stability and Load Carrying Capacity of Thin-Walled Orthotropic Poles of Regular Polygonal Cross-Section Subject to Combined Load, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics No 4, Vol 39, 2001, pp. 969-988
3. Kubiak T., Postbuckling behavior of thin-walled girders with orthotropy varying widthwise, Int. J. Solid and Structures, Vol 38 No 28-29, 2001, pp. 4839-4856
4. Kubiak T., Dynamic buckling of thin-walled composite plates with varying widthwise material properties, Int. J. of Solid and Structures, 45, 2005, pp. 5555-5567
5. Kołakowski Z., Kubiak T., Load-carrying capacity of thin-walled composite structures, Composite Structures, 67, 2005, pp. 417-426
6. Niezgodziński T., KubiakT.,Theproblemofstabilityofwebsheetsin box-girders of overhead cranes, Thin-Walled Structures, 43, 2005, pp. 1913-1925
7. Kubiak T., Interactive buckling in thin-walled beam-columns with widthwise varying orthotropy, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 44, 1, 2006, pp. 75-90
8. Kubiak T., Criteria for dynamic buckling estimation of thin-walled structures, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 45 (10-11), 2007, pp. 888- 892
9. Kołakowski Z., Kubiak T., Interactive dynamic buckling of orthotropic thin-walled channels subjected to in-plane pulse loading, Composite Structures 81 (2), 2007 pp. 222-232
10.Kotelko M., Kowal-Michalska K., Kubiak T., Kolakowski Z. and Gradzki R., Estimation of load-carrying capacity of multi-layered plated, Thin-Walled Structures Vol. 46 (7-9), 2008, pp. 1003-1010
11.Kowal-Michalska K., Kubiak T., Swiniarski J., Influence of blast pressure modeling on the dynamic response of conical and hemispherical shells, Thin-Walled Structures 49 (5), 2011, pp. 604- 610
12.Kubiak T., Estimation of dynamic buckling for composite columns with open cross-section Computers and Structures 89 (21-22), 2011, pp. 2001-2009
13.Dębski H., Kubiak T., Teter A., Buckling and postbuckling behaviour of thin-walled composite channel section column, Composite Structures 100, 2013, pp. 195-204
14. Debski H., Kubiak T., Teter A., Experimental investigation of channel- section composite profiles’ behaviour with various sequences of plies subjected to static compression, Thin-Walled Structures 71, 2013, pp.147 – 154
15.Bienias J., Gliszczynski A., Jakubczak P., Kubiak T., Majerski K., Influence of autoclaving process parameters on the buckling and postbuckling behavior of thin-walled channel section beams, Thin- Walled Structures, 85, 2014, pp. 262-270
16.Debski H., Teter A., Kubiak T., Numerical and experimental studies of compressed composite columns with complex open cross- sections, Composite Structures, 118, 2014, pp. 28-36
17.Kubiak T., Kaczmarek L., Estimation of load-carrying capacity for thin-walled composite beams, Composite Structures 119, 2015, pp. 749–756
18.Paszkiewicz M., Kubiak T., Selected problems concerning determination of the buckling load of channel section beams and columns, Thin-Walled Structures 93, 2015, pp. 112–121.
19.Czapski P., Kubiak T., Numerical and experimental investigations of the post-buckling behaviour of square cross-section composite tubes, Composite Structures 132, 2015, pp. 1160–1167
20.Kubiak T., Samborski S., Teter A., Experimental investigation of failure process in compressed channel-section GFRP laminate columns assisted with the acoustic emission method, Composite Structures 133, 2015, pp. 921–929
21.Czapski P., Kubiak T., Influence of Fibre Arrangement on the Buckling Load of Composite Plates - Analytical Solution, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, Vol. 23, 5 (113), 2015, pp. 92-98
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