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Technical University of Malaysia Melaka
Senior Lecturer, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, January 2013 – Present
Research in the area of structural integrity of shell components (buckling/collapse of shells, burst pressure of pressure vessel components, imperfection sensitivity of shell structures) and also supervising final year projects in the area of condition based monitoring using oil analysis (viscosity, flash point, water content, wear debris). Teaching modules in the field of mechanical engineering, i.e., solid mechanics, statics and mechanics, fluid mechanics, materials science, metallurgy, etc.
Honorary Fellow, The University of Liverpool, July 2013 – September 2013, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Theoretical and numerical (ABAQUS FE code) analysis of burst pressure of toriconical shells by subjecting the shells to surge of internal pressure (as it happens in reality).
Research Associate, The University of Liverpool, April 2012 – September 2012, Liverpool
Nonlinear finite element analysis using ABAQUS FE code in order to estimate the flow of heat from the outer surface of the eyelids to all regions of the eyelids and eye globe, with particular interest in: (i) the meibomian glands to determine whether the temperature elevation is sufficient for melting the meibum, (ii) the cornea because of its susceptibility to thermal burns, (iii) the crystalline lens as repeated temperature elevation over long periods of time can lead to cataract, (iv) the retina to ensure the light sensitive ganglion cells do not undergo significant temperature increases that could result in any permanent damage and (v) the optic nerve head because of its importance to the development of glaucoma. Carrying out uniaxial test, i.e., compression test, compression cyclic test and compression relax/creep test using INSTRON machine.
PhD Researcher at the University of Liverpool, October 2007 – July 2011, Liverpool, United Kingdom
My research is concerned with the study of the elastic-plastic buckling of short and relatively thick conical shells subjected to combined loading, i.e., axial compression and external pressure acting simultaneously. The research is both numerical and experimental study. Within the context of numerical study, a nonlinear finite element extensive calculations were carried out using ABAQUS FE code in order to obtain: (i) the failure loads of cones under axial compression only, external pressure only and under combined loading, (ii) the spread of plastic strain and the effect of strain hardening of the material on failure loads, and (iii) the sensitivity of buckling loads to initial geometric imperfections or to structural defects under various loading conditions.
Experimental programme involved design, manufacture and operation of test rig capable of tests on thirteen conical specimens CNC machined from mild steel material. Two models were subjected to axial compression, with further two subjected to pure external pressure. The remaining nine cones were subjected to combined action of axial compression and external pressure. Results were compared with available design codes, i.e., ASME B&PVC Section VIII, API RP 2A, BS PD5500, and ECCS. Test data indicates that some recommendations might be unsafe under repeated loading. This is to be urgently addressed by a follow-up work. Worked as undergraduate laboratory demonstrator in mode of failure which involves different failure modes of structures and components, such as buckling, creep, fatigue, torsion test. And also heat treatment of plain carbon steel involving the charpy v-notch impact testing and the jominy hardness test.
Research Interests:
Structural integrity of shells; buckling of shells, imperfection sensitivity
Selected Publications:
See the link, Prof. Olawale Ifayefunmi, for a list.
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