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Department of Engineering Mechanics and School of Aerospace and Aeronautics
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. XinMing Qiu):
TongXi Yu and XinMing Qiu, Introduction to Impact Dynamics, Wiley, 2017, 266 pages
Journal Articles, etc.:
Wei Wang and Xinming Qiu , “Analysis of the carrying capacity for tubes under oblique loading”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 85, No. 3, March 2018, Paper No: JAM-17-1665
Wei Wang and Xinming Qiu , “Coupling of creases and shells”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 85, No. 1, January 2018, Paper No: JAM-17-1537
Wei Wang and XinMing Qiu, “An analytical study for global buckling of circular tubes under axial and oblique compression”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 126, pp 120-129, June 2017
Chuan Qiao, Yuli Chen, Shengtao Wang, Kuijian Yang and Xinming Qiu, “Theoretical analysis on the collapse of dumbbell-shaped tubes”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 123, pp 20-33, April 2017
Wang, W. , and Qiu, X. , 2017, “ Coupling of Creases and Shells,” ASME J. Appl. Mech., 85(1), p. 011009.
Xin Ming Qiu, Liang Hong He, Jie Gu and Xiao Huan Yu, “An improved theoretical model of a metal tube under free external inversion”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 80, pp 32-37, July 2014
X. M. Qiu and T. X. Yu, “Some topics in recent advances and applications of structural impact dynamics,” Appl. Mech. Rev., vol. 64, pp. 034001, May 2011
1.Qiu X, Zhang J, Yu TX, (2009). Collapse of periodic planar lattices under uniaxial compression, part I: quasi-static strength predicted by limit analysis. Int. J. Impct. Engng., 36, 1223–1230
2.Qiu X, Zhang J, Yu TX, (2009). Collapse of periodic planar lattices under uniaxial compression, part II: dynamic crushing based on finite element simulation. Int. J. Impct. Engng., 36, 1231-1241
3.Qiu X, He L, Qian Y, Zhang X. (2009) The plastic zone of semi-infinite crack in planar Kagome and triangular lattices. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinca, 22 (3)
4.Li Y, Qiu X, Yin YJ, Yang F and Fan QS. (2009) The specific heat of carbon nanotube networks and their potential applications, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42, 155405 (6pp)
5.Li Y, Qiu X, Yang F, Yin YJ, Fan QS. (2009) Stretching-dominated deformation mechanism in a super square carbon nanotube network. Carbon, 47 (3): 812-819.
6.Ma S, Zhang X, Qiu X. (2009) Comparison study of MPM and SPH in modeling hypervelocity impact problems. Int. J. Impct. Engng., 36 (2): 272-282.
7. Qian Yueqiang, Qiu Xinming, Zhang Xiong. (2008) Plastic zone of crack tip field of Kagome plane grid structure, Journal of Mechanics, 40 (6), 826-833
8.Yang F, Qiu X, Li Y, Yin Y, Fan Q. (2008) Specific heat of super carbon nanotube and its chirality independence. Physics Letters A. 372: 6960–6964.
9.Li Y, Qiu X, Yang F, Yin Y and Fan Q. (2008) Chirality independence in critical buckling forces of super carbon nanotubes. Solid State Communications. 148, 63-68.
10.Li Y, Qiu X, Yang F, Wang XS, Yin YJ, Fan QS. (2008) A comprehensive study on the mechanical properties of super carbon nanotubes. J. Phys D: App. Phys., 41, 155423 (6pp )
11.Li Y, Qiu X, Yang F, Wang X and Yin Y. (2008) The effective modulus of super carbon nanotubes predicted by molecular structure mechanics. Nanotechnology, 19, 225701 (7pp).
12.Li Y, Qiu X, Yang F, Wang X and Yin Y. (2008) Ultra-high Sensitivity of Super Carbon nanotube based Mass and Strain Sensors. Nanotechnology, 19,165502 (6pp).
13.Zhang, YH; Qiu, X; Fang, DN. (2008) Mechanical properties of 2-D lattice materials. Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior, 33-37, 585-590.
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