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End view of buckling mode shown in the previous slide

This is Fig. 18 from the 2007 axialcomp paper. This slide shows the same buckling mode from STAGS as that displayed in the previous slide, viewed end-on. One can see that there are 12 half-waves around the circumference, that is, 6 full circumferential waves. This general buckling mode shape agrees with that predicted by PANDA2.

The fact that there are 12 full circumferential waves around the complete (360-degree) cylindrical shell means that a 60-degree STAGS model such as that shown in Fig. 7 of the paper can be used in STAGS models.

(From: AIAA 48th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Paper no. AIAA-2007-2216, 2007)

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