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Nonlinear buckling of a ring and stringer stiffened axially compressed cylindrical shell previouly optimized by PANDA2

This is Fig. 61 from the 2007 axialcomp paper. Shown here is the nonlinear bending-torsion buckling mode from STAGS.

This mode is used as a second imperfection shape with amplitude, Wimp2 = -0.0005 inch in a subsequent nonlinear STAGS run listed as Case 4 in Table 4 in the 2007 axialcomp paper. Case 4 means: no Koiter, yes change imperfection, ICONSV = 1.

This slide shows the STAGS nonlinear buckling mode, which corresponds to the load factor, PA = 1.07084.

There is one imperfection shape in the STAGS model that produces the nonlinear buckling mode shown here: that displayed in Figs. 1a,b of the 2007 axialcomp paper, with amplitude, Wimp1=+0.0625 inch. (That general buckling modal imperfection is very like those displayed two and three slides ago.)

The nonlinear collapse load factor predicted by STAGS from the static nonlinear equilibrium of the model with the two imperfection shapes is

PANDA2 predicts the buckling load factor 1.0097 for the bending-torsion buckling mode of the imperfect shell as loaded by the design load, Nx= -3000 lb/in.

(From: AIAA 48th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Paper no. AIAA-2007-2216, 2007)

In order to view figures and/or tables referred to here but not displayed here, please download the 2007 axialcomp paper from this website.

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