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Somewhat simplified model of three-point bending causing localised maximum shear buckling deformation in parts of the honeycomb core

Figure 14. Comparison of the failure scenario of the numerical model vs. real tests; the results are consistent. [1].

Ref. [1] is the paper cited in the previous image.

This and the next image are from:

Juan de Dios Rodríguez-Ramírez, Bruno Castanié & Christophe Bouvet (Institut Clément Ader (ICA), University of Toulouse, CNRS, France)

“Damage Mechanics Modelling of the shear nonlinear behavior of Nomex honeycomb core. Application to sandwich beams”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, in press, 2018,

ABSTRACT: In this work, a modelling strategy based on damage mechanics is presented for Nomex honeycomb core. The proposed approach is based on the experimental analysis presented by the authors in [1] and consists of the decoupled modelling of the buckling and collapse of cells for the HRH-78 Nomex honeycomb core with two damage parameters. The proposed approach shows good agreement with the experimental tests. The computational cost is low, proving the efficacy of this technique. This strategy may avoid using full 3D models that mimic the real shape and is a step toward a full compression/shear nonlinear model for honeycomb core.

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