This is Fig. 1 from the paper, "Difficulties in optimization of imperfect stiffened cylindrical shells" by David Bushnell and Charles Rankin, AIAA 47th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Paper no. AIAA-2006-1943, 2006, called "2006 PANDA2 paper" in the next three slides.
Shown here is a STAGS model of a T-ring and T-stringer stiffened cylindrical shell under combined axial compression, external pressure, and in-plane shear. The shell was previously optimized by PANDA2 in the presence of a general buckling modal imperfection.
Loading used for all the configurations studied in this 2006 PANDA2 paper is the same as in the 2005 PANDA2 paper:
Axial Resultant (lb/in), Nx Load Set A = -100000 lb/in
Hoop Resultant (lb/in), Ny(Load Set A = -20000 lb/in
In-plane shear (lb/in), Nxy Load Set A = 20000 lb/in
Uniform pressure, (psi),p Load Set A = -200 psi
Zero loading in Load Set B
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