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General buckling of a perfect ring and stringer-stiffened cylindrical shell under combined axial compression and external pressure

This is Fig. 35 from the 2006 PANDA2 paper. Shown here is the linear general buckling mode of a STAGS sub-domain model of a perfect T-ring and T-stringer stiffened cylindrical shell that was previously optimized as imperfect by PANDA2.

The shell is subjected to combined axial compression and external pressure as listed in the caption of the previous slide. The STAGS sub-domain model includes 60 degrees of the cylindrical shell; the stringers are smeared; the STAGS 480 finite element is used in the model.

Shown here is linear general buckling of the perfect shell; bifurcation buckling mode 1, buckling load factor = 1.3753; general buckling with n = 3 full circumferential waves over the full 360 degrees of the circumference of the cylindrical shell (one half circumferential wave over the 60 degrees that are included in this sub-domain STAGS model).

This buckling mode is used as an initial imperfection in the computation of the nonlinear buckling mode displayed in the next slide. This configuration is listed in Table 14 of the 2006 PANDA2 paper.

For viewing figures and tables referred to here but not shown here, please download the 2006 PANDA2 paper from this website.

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