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Simulation of fabrication processes prior to application of the service load via several successive executions of BOSOR5

This is Fig. 5.11 from the paper, "Buckling of shells - Pitfall for designers" by David Bushnell, AIAA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 9, September 1981.

Shown here is how the fabrication processes, cold bending, springback and welding are simulated with the use of the BOSOR5 computer program: different processes occur during different pseudo-time intervals.

The simulation of fabrication processes preceeds application of the service load (uniform external pressure in this case).

(a) Simulation of cold bending and springback during the pseudo-time interval 0 < t < 2.0

(b) Simulation of welding rings to the shell during the pseudo-time interval 2.0 < t < 3.0

(c) Application of the service load (uniform external pressure in this case) in the pseudo-time interval, 3.0 < t < 1003. In this third phase of the simulation the value of pseudo-time is set by the BOSOR5 user to be very nearly numerically equal to the external pressure. Then, when the BOSOR5 user reads "time" in the output list he/she knows that "time" is very nearly equal to "external pressure".

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