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Segmented model of the shell of revolution that represents the cryogenic cooler to be analyzed by BOSOR4/BIGBOSOR4

This is Fig. 5 from the original 1974 BOSOR4 user's manual. This slide shows the BOSOR4/BIGBOSOR4 axisymmetric segmented and discretized model of the axisymmetric cryogenic cooler.

The shell segments, nodal points, and locations of the centroids of the discrete rings that simulate the mass and moment of inertia of the methane and the ammonia tanks are indicated.

Only the part of the complex shell of revolution on the right-hand side of the axis of revolution is shown.

Segments 8 and 9 are hard to see, being located in the narrow gap between Segments 7 and 10.

The next slide shows four vibration modes and frequencies of the axisymmetric cryogenic tank.

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