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EXAMPLE 6, Slide 6: Design margins from PANDA2 for the optimized axially compressed, internally ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical "acreage"

This slide is from Table 7 of the 2010 GENOPT paper.

The first step in the optimization of a ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical shell with T-stiffened weld lands is to optimize, with the use of PANDA2, the axially compressed, internally stiffened cylindrical shell without any weld lands. This slide shows the design margins computed by PANDA2 corresponding to the PANDA2-optimized "acreage" shell.

The term, "acreage" is used here and in the 2010 GENOPT paper to denote the properties of that internally stiffened cylindrical shell without weld lands, the shell that was previously optimized by PANDA2.

Notice that there are three margins listed here (Margins 14,15,16) that are derived from a PANDA2 model that includes cold bending of the internally orthogrid-stiffened shell from a flat orthogrid-stiffened sheet into a cylindrical shell. These margins are computed including the effect of springback during this fabrication process.

Critical and almost-critical margins are listed in bold face.

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