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EXAMPLE 7, Slide 8: Part of a STAGS model of an axially compressed optimized cylindrical shell with a truss-core sandwich wall

This is Fig. 18 from the 2011 GENOPT paper. This slide shows part of a STAGS model for the specific case called “nasatruss2” (Table 3 of the 2011 GENOPT paper).

This is a close-up view of a STAGS finite element model of one of the local buckling modules. Each shell unit in the STAGS local buckling model is shown here in a different color.

The black “units” represent the noodles. Unfortunately, STAGS does not show the eccentricity of the noodle centroid with respect to its attachment point of the face sheet. However, this eccentricity is present and accounted for in the STAGS model.

The STAGS input file, *.inp, is automatically created by the generic GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 case called "trusscomp" and the specific case called "*", in which "trusscomp" is the generic case name selected by the GENOPT user and "*" stands for the end-user-selected specific case name.

Comparisons between results from GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 and general purpose computer programs such as STAGS are provided in Ref. [1] listed in the Reference section of the 2011 GENOPT paper.

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