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This is Table 1 from the 2007 paper by Bushnell. This slide lists geometry, material properties, and loading of the stiffened cylindrical shell. PANDA2 names for dimensions such as H(STR), B(STR), etc., are defined in the next slide.
Bushnell, David, et al, (A) "PANDA2 - Program for minimum weight design of stiffened, composite, locally buckled panels", Computers and Structures, Vol. 25 (1987) pp. 469-605. See also: (B) "Theoretical basis of the PANDA computer program for preliminary design of stiffened panels under combined in-plane loads", Computers and Structures, v. 27, No. 4, pp 541-563, 1987; (C) "Optimization of composite, stiffened, imperfect panels under combined loads for service in the postbuckling regime", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 103, pp 43-114, 1993; (D) "Recent enhancements to PANDA2", 37th AIAA Structures, Dynamics, and Materials (SDM) Conference, April 1996; (E) "Approximate method for the optimum design of ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical panels and shells with local, inter-ring, and general buckling modal imperfections", Computers and Structures, Vol. 59, No. 3, 489-527, 1996, with W. D. Bushnell; (F) "Optimum design via PANDA2 of composite sandwich panels with honeycomb or foam cores", AIAA Paper 97-1142, AIAA 38th SDM Conference, April 1997; (G) "Additional buckling solutions in PANDA2", AIAA 40th SDM Conference, p 302- 345, April 1999, with H. Jiang and N. F. Knight, Jr.; (H) "Minimum-weight design of a stiffened panel via PANDA2 and evaluation of the optimized panel via STAGS", Computers and Structures, Vol. 50, 569-602 (1994); (I) "Optimization of perfect and imperfect ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical shells with PANDA2 and evaluation of the optimum designs with STAGS", AIAA Paper 2002-1408, pp 1562-1613, Proceedings of the 43rd AIAA SDM Meeting, April, 2002, with C. Rankin; (J) "Optimum design of stiffened panels with substiffeners, AIAA Paper 2005-1932, AIAA 46th SDM Conference, April 2005, with C. Rankin; (K) "Difficulties in optimization of imperfect stiffened cylindrical shells, AIAA Paper 2006-1943, AIAA 47th SDM Conference, April 2006, with C. Rankin; (L).../panda2/doc/panda2.news, a continually updated file distributed with PANDA2; (M) "Optimization of an axially compressed ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical shell with a general buckling modal imperfection", AIAA Paper 2007-2216, AIAA 48th Structures Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May, 2007
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