Buckled axially compressed thin cylindrical shell with a rectangular cut-out |
Post-buckling of a stiffened shear panel as analyzed by the STAGS computer program |
STAGS model of general buckling of a ring and stringer stiffened axially compressed cylindrical shell previously optimized by PANDA2 |
End views of two adjacent buckling modes of a ring and stringer stiffened axially compressed cylindrical shell |
Information about an axially compressed internally T-ring and externally T-stringer stiffened cylindrical shell to be optimized by PANDA2 |
Decision variables for the axially compressed, T-stiffened cylindrical shell to be optimized by PANDA2 |
PANDA2-optimized, axially compressed, ring and stringer stiffened, perfect and imperfect cylindrical shells |
STAGS model of nonlinear buckling of a ring and stringer stiffened axially compressed cylindrical shell previouly optimized by PANDA2 |
STAGS model of pre-buckling of an axially compressed imperfect ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical shell optimized by PANDA2 |