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Sandwich plate dimensions, loading and decision variables for optimization by PANDA2

PANDA2 will also optimize sandwich panels under combined loads. This is Fig. 21 of the "sandwich" PowerPoint presentation made at the AIAA 38th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, AIAA Paper 97-1142, 1997, The title of the paper is: Optimum Design Via PANDA2 of Composite Sandwich Panels with Honeycomb or Foam Cores", by David Bushnell. This paper is referred to as "1997.sandwichppt" or as "1997 sandwich paper" in some other slides.

This slide shows an axially compressed sandwich plate with length = 100 inches and width = 20 inches. The panel has simple-support (s. s.) boundary conditions. Also shown are the decision variables, t1, t2, t3, tc, s for optimization by PANDA2.

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