Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) models of thin-walled transversely loaded beam with a hat cross section |
Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) models of thin-walled transversely loaded beam with an I cross section |
Buckling modes of a thin-walled transversely loaded I-beam from ANSYS (a) and from GBT (b) |
Local buckling deformation contours of FRP thin-walled sections |
Thin-walled column buckling behavior as a function of length |
Buckling of box column versus slenderness ratio |
Three modes of buckling of an optimized lipped channel column |
Elastic buckling modes of channel with holes in the web |
Dynamically axially compressed lipped channel columns with V-shaped "stiffener" |
Dynamic deflections of square-pulse-axially-loaded lipped columns with cross-section details shown in the previous slide |
Top: Cross section of open-section column; Bottom: Buckling modes of the right-hand half of the axially compressed composite columns of two different lengths, l = 2500 and 1000 mm |
Buckling modes of channel column versus length of column |
Combined Distortional-Local Buckling of an axially compressed channel column |
Lateral-torsional buckling of lipped channel beam under uniform bending |
Bridge girder with corrugated web |