![Apple-shaped LNG tank requires additional design verification analyses over those required for spherical LNG tanks](thumbnails/s151.jpg) |
![Events during service of the apple-shaped tank that may cause buckling](thumbnails/s152.jpg) |
![Bottom region of beverage can: (Left side): Undeformed bottom portion of can; (Right side): Large deformation collapse under axial compression of the transition region from the can bottom to the can sidewall](thumbnails/s153.jpg) |
![Circumferential buckling of a thin-walled projectile upon impact with a concrete target](thumbnails/s154.jpg) |
![Double-skin/concrete piping under axial compression and external/internal pressure](thumbnails/s155.jpg) |
Apple-shaped LNG tank requires additional design verification analyses over those required for spherical LNG tanks |
Events during service of the apple-shaped tank that may cause buckling |
Bottom region of beverage can: (Left side): Undeformed bottom portion of can; (Right side): Large deformation collapse under axial compression of the transition region from the can bottom to the can sidewall |
Circumferential buckling of a thin-walled projectile upon impact with a concrete target |
Double-skin/concrete piping under axial compression and external/internal pressure |
![Finite element model of double-skin/concrete piping under external/internal pressure and axial compression](thumbnails/s156.jpg) |
![No local buckling and local buckling of double-skin/concrete piping](thumbnails/s157.jpg) |
![Stability loss in an infinite plate with a circular inclusion under uniaxial tension](thumbnails/s158.jpg) |
![Folded, laminated, cantilevered plate assembly with fold angle alpha=90 degrees](thumbnails/s159.jpg) |
![First 5 vibration mode shapes of the folded, laminated, cantilevered plate assembly](thumbnails/s160.jpg) |
Finite element model of double-skin/concrete piping under external/internal pressure and axial compression |
No local buckling and local buckling of double-skin/concrete piping |
Stability loss in an infinite plate with a circular inclusion under uniaxial tension |
Folded, laminated, cantilevered plate assembly with fold angle alpha=90 degrees |
First 5 vibration mode shapes of the folded, laminated, cantilevered plate assembly |
![Axially compressed tubes without and with internal bracing](thumbnails/s161.jpg) |
![Crushed tubes from test and finite element models](thumbnails/s162.jpg) |
![ABAQUS finite element model of part of a Coupled Steel Plate Shear Wall (C-SPSW) and deformation under the horizontal component of ground motion due to an earthquake simulated by appropriate forces resulting primarily in in-plane shearing of the structure](thumbnails/s163.jpg) |
![Plastic flow and therefore ductility (hysteresis and energy dissipation) in a Coupled Steel Plate Shear Wall (C-SPSW) occurs as shown here in an example of a 4-storey coupled shear wall](thumbnails/s164.jpg) |
![First and second floor (1F and 2F) hysteresis and drift: Comparison of test and results from the ABAQUS finite element model](thumbnails/s165.jpg) |
Axially compressed tubes without and with internal bracing |
Crushed tubes from test and finite element models |
ABAQUS finite element model of part of a Coupled Steel Plate Shear Wall (C-SPSW) and deformation under the horizontal component of ground motion due to an earthquake simulated by appropriate forces resulting primarily in in-plane shearing of the structure |
Plastic flow and therefore ductility (hysteresis and energy dissipation) in a Coupled Steel Plate Shear Wall (C-SPSW) occurs as shown here in an example of a 4-storey coupled shear wall |
First and second floor (1F and 2F) hysteresis and drift: Comparison of test and results from the ABAQUS finite element model |