Decompositon of the original problem into t2o subproblems for {1} the matrix and {2}, the shell |
Buckling pattern for: (a-c) nearly perfect interface bonding; (d-f) weak interface |
Buckling of a large byperbolic paraboloid roof |
Snapping of a bimetallic shallow shell as a function of temperature |
Circumferentially corrugated shallow spherical shell |
Optimized shell of revolution with ribs: first buckling mode shape. Symmetry conditions are imposed at the large end. Buckling is between adjacent ribs near the large end. |
ANSYS Finite element model of a Cassini shell of revolution |
Buckling modes as a function of Cassini ovaloidal shape |
Three stable states of an orthotropic shell. In this paper it is proved that untwisted, uniformly curved, orthotropic shells can have up to 3 stable equilibrium positions |
Crushing a spherical shell |
Reticulated dome with axisymmetric inward step pressure over the part of the surface near the apex (blue area) |
Reticulated dome with axisymmetric inward step pressure near the apex (continued) |
Deformation of blast-loaded circular sandwich panel: results from test and theory. The shock loading is applied to the lower face sheet of the initially flat specimen. |
TOP: Hydro-explosive rig for forming a torispherical pressure vessel head; BOTTOM: A typical torispherical head. What is called "Blanket" in the top view is the test specimen. |
LS-DYNA simulation of the hydro-explosive forming of a torispherical head. In (f) notice the formation of wrinkles along the edge. |