Pre-1974 computer programs for buckling and vibration of shells and solids of revolution |
Capability summary of BOSOR4 (1974) |
Types of segmented and branched shells of revolution and prismatic thin-walled structures that can be analyzed with BOSOR4 |
Segmented and ring-stiffened payload shroud: (a) non-axisymmetric pressure loading; (b) prebuckling global deformation; (c) critical buckling mode |
Four free vibration modes and frequencies of a complex, branched dewar. Prediction by BOSOR4 corresponding to n = 1 circumferential wave |
Finite element models of incomplete and complete shells of revolution |
Vibrations of composite laminated shells of revolution |
Vibrations of sectors of composite laminated shells of revolution with various boundary conditions |
Free vibration modes of toro-parabolic panels |
Free vibration of partial and complete shells of revolution |
Buckling of an externally pressurized spherical shell |
Axisymmetric post-buckling of complete spherical shell under uniform external pressure |