Two buckling modes of a thin-walled externally pressurized composite hemispherical shell corresponding to Point A (D/t=300) |
Typical buckling modes of externally pressurized prolate and somewhat flat shells of revolution |
Buckling of externally pressurized torispherical shell: (top)=unstiffened; (bottom)=stiffened by one external stringer |
Buckling of externally pressurized stringer-stiffened torispherical shells |
Buckling of various eccentrically stiffened toroidal shell segments under various loadings |
Buckling of an externally pressurized thin-walled hemispherical shell |
Axially compressed spherical shell with microporosity |
Shallow shell corroded on one side |
Buckling modes of axially compressed composite cylindrical shells of various steepness |
Geometry and surface equation of a conoidal shell |
An arbitrarily shaped functionally graded plate with a spatially varying transverse load |
porousfgplateonfoundation |
Three types of functionally graded sandwich plates |
In-plane loading for buckling of the functionally graded sandwich plates |
Porous functionally graded materia (FGM) nanoplate on an elastic Kerr foundation |