![Axially compressed sandwich panel with overall and local buckling and load-deflection curves for perfect and imperfect panels](thumbnails/s1.jpg) |
![Localized postbuckling deformations of the axially compressed sandwich panel](thumbnails/s2.jpg) |
![Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) and Layer-Wise (LW) models of the variation of variables over the sandwich wall thickness z](thumbnails/s3.jpg) |
![Buckling deformation of axially compressed sandwich column](thumbnails/s4.jpg) |
![Spun cast sandwich cylindrical shells for testing under uniform axial compresssion](thumbnails/s5.jpg) |
Axially compressed sandwich panel with overall and local buckling and load-deflection curves for perfect and imperfect panels |
Localized postbuckling deformations of the axially compressed sandwich panel |
Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) and Layer-Wise (LW) models of the variation of variables over the sandwich wall thickness z |
Buckling deformation of axially compressed sandwich column |
Spun cast sandwich cylindrical shells for testing under uniform axial compresssion |
![Some of the failure modes of panels and shells with sandwich wall construction](thumbnails/s6.jpg) |
![Sandwich face sheet wrinkling and its amplification caused by compression](thumbnails/s7.jpg) |
![Influence of stiffener web root on face sheet deformation](thumbnails/s8.jpg) |
![Sandwich plate dimensions, loading and decision variables for optimization by PANDA2](thumbnails/s9.jpg) |
![Specialized design margins in PANDA2 pertaining to sandwich wall construction](thumbnails/s10.jpg) |
Some of the failure modes of panels and shells with sandwich wall construction |
Sandwich face sheet wrinkling and its amplification caused by compression |
Influence of stiffener web root on face sheet deformation |
Sandwich plate dimensions, loading and decision variables for optimization by PANDA2 |
Specialized design margins in PANDA2 pertaining to sandwich wall construction |
![Schematic of a sandwich plate with laminated composite face sheets and honeycomb core](thumbnails/s11.jpg) |
![Three types of buckling of axially compressed sandwich columns](thumbnails/s12.jpg) |
![Buckling of honeycomb-core sandwich column with initial local delamination](thumbnails/s13.jpg) |
![Failure modes of axially compressed thick and thin sandwich panels](thumbnails/s14.jpg) |
![Typical examples of sandwich constructions](thumbnails/s15.jpg) |
Schematic of a sandwich plate with laminated composite face sheets and honeycomb core |
Three types of buckling of axially compressed sandwich columns |
Buckling of honeycomb-core sandwich column with initial local delamination |
Failure modes of axially compressed thick and thin sandwich panels |
Typical examples of sandwich constructions |