Buckled micro/nano fibers for ultra-stretchable electronics |
Wrinkling-to-delamination transition in a thin polymer film on a compliant substrate |
Buckling of tiny beams on a flexible substrate |
Deformation and dynamics of red blood cells in flow through cylindrical microchannels |
Large deflormation of a red blood cell driven through a narrow slit by incoming flow |
Dense suspensions of elastic capsules: Normal stresses, yield stress, jamming and confinement effects |
Reversible wrinkles of monolayer graphene on a polymer substrate: Toward stretchable and flexible electronics |
Interacting folds in a film bonded to a soft substrate under biaxial compression |
Moebius band made of stretchy material |
Instability of vesicle in extensional flow |
Change in shape of a charged vesicle |
The morphing of bilayers with growth |
Coupled instabilities of surface crease and bulk bending during fast free swelling of hydrogels |
Tri-layer wrinkling in the developing cerebellum |
Creasing of an everted tube |